Tuesday, February 23, 2010

L'amour au diapason - Rakkaus laajuudessaan

Marjo-Riitta (see earlier entry) tried hard to be a pop star in the 70's. Even if she got the voice and ambition, she never really made it. Marjo-Riitta recorded and performed at first with the group Savannah and later she joined in the vocal group Cascade. Neither of these projects turned out to be success. But the legacy of her recordings include some fine moments. One of those is this song "Rakkaus laajuudessaan" (Love in it's scale) that she recorded (with the group Savannah) in 1974. It was on her first album and was not released as a single. It's a pity, becouse it could have been a hit. The original song came from France. Famous French singer Sylvie Vartan had a hit with "L'amour au diapason" (Love in it's entire scale) in 1973. Sylvie (born in Bulgaria!) was one of the first rock girls in France, being the most productive and active artist among the so called yé-yé girls of the 60's. She has had succesful career also after the 60's and this epitome of the 'ye-ye girl' is now performing jazz ballads. You can see her performing "L'amour au diapason" in a TV Show, here.

Here's the pair:

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